
All Work and No Play

Creative Works

Fun fact -- I titled another entry the exact same thing, from roughly a year ago. Creature of habit, indeed...

Sunday 23 July 2006 - Hello again, everyone. I know, I know, it's been a long time. As always, at least one person has bugged me about updating again. So, what to say, now?
First off, I scrapped most of my Dungeons & Dragons section. The latest campaign didn't work out due to lack of player attendance, and lack of time on my part. That leads me to my next bit of news...
I've been working hard at my construction job, and I've got two more weeks left to go. I decided to work a little way into August, since I'll be going back to school on the 15th. I can't tell you all how much I'm looking forward to that I have a roommate, which, historically, hasn't worked out so well.
On the other hand, I'm looking forward to school. If I get admitted into the Teachers College in time, I can register for my last two classes, order my books, and have a great year--in theory. I've got a good schedule set up, so far. My last two (currently unregistered) classes round off a daily schedule that allows me plenty of time for work, and probably for my Level II teaching experience, sometime this year. I'm really looking forward to being back in the classroom.
The other thing that's got my mind buzzing is Senate this year. In a re-election last spring, I was voted Hall President, so I'll preside over this year's Senate. We've got a new Hall Coordinator (a.k.a. "Residence Life Coordinator"), and I'm looking forward to working with her. Senate's going to be a strange nut to crack, though. I'm not the inspiring, civic type, mostly.
Anyhow, I'm about out of power for the night. I'm actually finishing this update on the evening of the 25th, and I was pretty screwed up today. Depressed last night, and sick, or something, this morning. Half day of work, and not voluntarily. Shocking, I know. So, this is about it for me. But I have one last thing to say.
Robin, if you're keeping tabs on me, here, I want you to know something: I don't recant any of the things I've said to you or about you since we broke up. You're not a bad person, but you made me supremely unhappy with the things you did. I'm glad to talk on occasion, but I hope that our conversations aren't covert attempts on your part to... I don't know. But they had better not be covert attempts to do anything. I'd like to think you're being straightforward, the way I've tried to be. I'm trying not to be harsh, here. I don't mean to incriminate you in front of others. I just wanted to put this out here, in case it's somewhere you'd read it.
That's all I have for tonight. I'm now a frustrated ball of impotent anger. Good night, everyone.