Thursday 28 July 2005 - Gah. I am so tired. I spent two hours last night staying up when I should have slept.
Some guy at work, the ex-con, hassled me about it: "You're young, and you can't take that?" What can I say? I'm a creature
of habit, in a lot of ways. Two hours difference after weeks of going to bed at the same time... it hit me hard. About two
o'clock or so, I could feel myself hit "the wall." I just couldn't keep pulling the empty corn bags out of the bagsplitter.
It didn't help that the maniacs on the other end of the thing decided to double-time it, today. But I really felt myself
slow down. But I didn't fall over or anything... I did all right, even if I did get a bit behind.
Thank God tomorrow is my last day at work... I don't mind it, after all this time, but it'll be a nice change. On a somewhat
bittersweet note, I'm not moving, this weekend, like my mom had planned. My dad hasn't gotten us the money we need to close
on the house we want. So... the money is supposed to be in next Wednesday, and we'll move next weekend. The weekend
I'll be on my hard-earned vacation. I feel like a dirtbag, going away instead of staying to help. But my mom insisted. She
told me, "It's important for you to go. You're only young once, and pretty soon life will catch up to you." Despite the negative
note, I'm glad she's in favor, even with the moving going on. It sounds like she'll have plenty of help.
So... next week Wednesday, I set out on my great adventure for this summer. I'll be taking the cross-country bus to Pennsylvania,
to meet Rachel, my wonderful friend, and the girl with whom I've fallen in love. Everybody who swings by this site, be sure
to wish me luck, or pray for me, or whatever means most to you, okay? I could use it. So... that's it. I leave next Wednesday,
come back the Tuesday after that. Bus across the country, to face thrills and spills in a far-off place. Exciting, huh?
One last thing... my story. I haven't written on it in a while. It kind of stalled, there, for a bit. But now, Alan's wilderness monologue is finished,
and I'm going to move things back on track. I can't say much more, since I'm still juggling some plot stuff, but I hope everyone
enjoys it so far.
That's about it, folks! Thanks to the one person who keeps bugging me to update this thing. With my hectic schedule,
I need the reminder. For that reminder, I'll link to your website, the official band site of The Skiffs! Find their music on; search the music section for the word "skiffs." Thanks again, everybody, and I hope to
talk to you soon!