

Creative Works

Monday 5 February 2007: Well, I wrote all this up once already, but thanks to my bandwidth problems, I have to type it all again. Nothing ruins a nice, contemplative update like my computer screwing with me. I don't even know if I have the heart to re-type it; I'm just so angry.
Plenty of you (and a long aside here: I don't know if I can trust Tripod's statistical reporting, considering it's the 5th of the month and they say that I've had over 200 visitors already. Even if each of the, say, six people I suspect regularly check this space kept came back once every day so far this month, it's still far below the reported "statistics" Tripod's given me. Clear conclusion: it comes down to some combination of "few readers check compulsively," or I have a lot more readers than I believe) Anyhow, plenty of you have probably already read my "2006 Highlights." It's a terrible name, but I'm not going to go for something cheesy like The World's Greatest Dad Awards. I'm going to cut this short, because I really have better things to do, like my homework for Methods of Teaching Literacy at the Middle and Secondary Levels... class.
Things in the past haven't been great. It's been a while since things have been consistently fantastic, and I want that to change. A lot of new stuff is coming up this year, including but not limited to:
  • New living arrangements: moving into an apartment with the girls in May. Never done this before.
  • Living away from home over the summer.
  • Taking summer courses (almost 15 hours) in order to enter the most complex and difficult phase of my professional education before spring 2008, when I student teach.
  • Being single for a year. Yes, not such a big deal, historically and biographically speaking, but I've felt the yearning to date again.

This is a relatively short and straightforward list. The point is that I'm uncertain about the future. It's the human condition, but I'm putting it out there. I really hope this year turns out well for me; this is a pretty logical followup to the "2006 Highlights." It's just on my mind that I'm starting a new year, and I can make a fresh start if I so choose, at least in my own mind. It's important to remember. Maybe for all of us? I'm not much in the mood for philosophizing.

Keep up the reading, and if you're someone who doesn't know me or something, and you read this regularly, e-mail me and tell me why, if you please. I'm honestly just curious.