Third year, highlights in flashback format. This year pretty
much rolled on like the last. Something witty to say will come to me soon.
- Spring semester of my third year at UNI. Geared up to rent a house with Sarah, Kara, and Lydia. Three years in the dorms
comes to an end, and with it, all my student activities.
- Summer courses, since I was living up in Cedar Falls this summer for the first time. 8 AM course, every day of the week
for May/June. Fun times.
- Worked reception at the Writing Center during the summer. First summer job in a long time that didn't involve heavy lifting
every day. Plus I started as early in the summer as possible, which was a nice bonus.
- Fall semester, my last semester at UNI. Good set of classes, and I finally cracked into that Personal Wellness class
I've been putting off. Yoga/pilates for one quarter, indoor cycling for the other. I told myself that I was going to appreciate
it because it was my last semester, but I'm really not sure that I did it justice.
- Student teaching placement--rough ride. I should have angled for something in Cedar Falls/Waterloo, or even Marshalltown.
As of January 2008, I'm paying two rents, I'm stuck living in a tiny town and working in an even tinier one. I am starting
to really lose my mind.
- Christmas at home this year, forcing myself to relax.
- Moving out of Cedar Falls and up to Charles City was no big deal. After a hurried search for an apartment, I found something
semi-reasonable within driving distance of both my placements.
- Spending New Year's Eve utterly alone.
We all know you're not going to e-mail me.