Sunday 4 December 2005 - It's been a long, long time since I updated this site. I'm starting to hate how everything here
looks, more and more. Something is going to be done, because these stopgap measures I've taken to revamp the site up until
now have been pretty lackluster.
Here's the news that's fit to print:
Thanksgiving went all right. Very relaxing. Family in Texas was pretty hospitable, and not too backwards and/or racist.
All in all, a good time, although we got back to Iowa later than I would have liked... But I have a hard time being really
angry at my father since things, by and large, went right. For once.
The past week has been pretty much a blur. Wednesday, I finished up a huge presentation for my Educational Media class.
My partner was kind of a punk, asking for a lot of extensions to finish his half of the work. We managed to do our final practice
two hours before the presentation was due. But I got high marks, so I'm appeased.
Thursday and Friday of this week, though... Wow. What a crazy night. My friend Ashley was convinced to come stay someplace
warm, instead of sleeping in her car on a literally freezing night, in another city. The important thing is that
everything turned out well, Ashley is all right, and might be on the road to getting a little better. Friends have praised
me for "doing the right thing," "being a good person," and even "doing better than [they] would have [in the situation]."
For my part, I feel uncomfortable with the praise, and I'm just glad Ashley is all right. I suspect that this situation, however,
is far from over.
This weekend has gone all right. I'm procrastinating a bunch of American Lit journals, because
if you can remember, I don't have the book. But I'll figure out something... This week will be wrap-up, before Finals week. My final presentation
in Ed. Media was my last session of that class, so that's one final in the bag. Four more to go, and one is a take-home paper
for a final, so... no big deal.
Rachel is visiting in twenty-four days. Oh, joy! And Christmas break is only in two weeks, or less. And I don't have
to work Thursday night, during finals week! All sorts of good news keeps coming up, doesn't it?
Well, be well, everyone. I finally updated, so you can be happy for a while, again. Catch you on the flip side.