Thursday 27 October 2005 - Whew. Week is over, finally.
Four papers and a test, and I yet live. And I have a couple people to thank for it: Kara, thank you for proofreading my long,
long paper in plenty of time for Thursday's deadline. And Rachel... oh, my most beloved girl. You inspired me to buckle down
and work like I haven't worked in a long, long time. Every spare minute, just after I caught my breath from my last activity,
I was on those papers and assignments. Thank you so much, both Kara and Rachel.
Other than that... what's going on this weekend? Movies tonight, D&D later
tonight, my mom's visiting tomorrow, tomorrow night, I hope I can catch Rachel for some time together, and Sunday, I work
a double shift. So... some time to play, some time to work. I'm just glad to be done with this horrible week.
Rachel, I'm thinking about you all the time. You're my one and only. We just need
a little time together, I think. This week has been lousy for both of us. But everything'll be just fine.
Everyone, Rachel included, enjoy yourselves until I see you all again, in one way
or another.