

Creative Works

Friday 20 January 2006 - I suppose it's been long enough. Nobody's bothered me, so my warning from last time must have done some good.
D&D is going as-planned for tonight, and maybe a shorter Sunday session. I'm keeping up with classes. I'm almost keeping up with "homework" from my job. Training for the Writing Center is still in full swing, and while it's not tough, it's easy to forget from weekly meeting to weekly meeting exactly what's due. At least my classes are held no more than four days apart, or so. I can keep track of that stuff, because there's a syllabus for each class. Not so for work. There's some kind of crazy, mixed-up list of "steps" for training, and articles included in each "step." Except we've skipped around on the sheet already, so who knows what in the world we'll do from week to week...
So, for the most part, things have settled down from last week--with the small exception of work. I don't really see what else is news, except that my NACURH Communications Chair position has revved up once again.
I have a retreat in Iowa City, this weekend, and a few weeks after that, I have a retreat in Lawrence, Kansas. And after all of that, even after this school year is finished, I'll be going to the University of California at Berkeley for the NACURH conference (2006). So... lots to do, eventually.
For now, I will attempt to enjoy my weekend. Perhaps even the retreat in Iowa City. Who can say? They're a decent bunch, the other NCCs and company from our subregion, Iowa. The Regional Communications Coordinator is making me bring money for pizza... I'm not crazy about that, but pizza means a little less time doing business, I guess.
Until next time, everyone.