

Creative Works

Saturday 14 January 2005 - Well look at this. I'm finally updating, when I want to update, and not when people tell me to. It's nice that people read this tripe, but when the people who see me on a daily basis are the ones asking me to put new material here, I think that someone just needs to make an effort to ask me what's going on in my life.
For those of you who see and/or talk to me more infrequently, there's no shame in asking for more, here. It's a good outlet for me, most of the time. But people with whom I eat lunch almost daily are going a bit far, asking me to update all the time. Or not far enough, not talking to me about what's going on in my life, when I see them each day. One of the two, for certain.
Now, on to new business! Semester's going all right, so far. I'm taking five classes, fourteen hours of credit. My schedule, voilą:
MWF 10-11: Structure of English
MWF 11-12: Multicultural Literature
TTh 9:30-10:45: Middle East
TTh 2:00-3:15: Survey of English Literature to Early Modernity
I also have a Wednesday afternoon class from 1:00-2:40, called Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners. Meanwhile, work meetings are Mondays at 3:00 and Fridays at 9:00 AM.
None of my classes look terribly hard, but then again, I haven't had any presentations or exams, yet. We shall see.
Dungeons & Dragons has rather fallen through. Yesterday night we had the first session of the new semester, and only half the normal complement showed. Changes will be implemented.
Other than that, I should say hello to all my favorite people, foremost of whom is Rachel. The dear girl continues to impress me.
Until I update again, folks, try to be happy, and don't hate other people, all right? It hurts all of us. Oh, and maybe next time I'll have something interesting to talk about!