
Of Love

Creative Works

Talk to me of love, floating girl.
What is this eclipsed
glimmering shadow?
Heaven or Hell,
pitch light or shining blackness?
Is the rainbow-laden, dew-drop web
intended to be a snare?
Must I watch for
the clause, that catch?
A caveat?
Or does the hollow maw
hold virgin treasure,
untouched ghostly reward?
What unknown secret
lies in the boldly ungone
spaces, places beyond
mere mortal flavor?
The far shot, the deep plumb;
what lies at neverending's end?
And what's between?
I leave, uncomprehending,
not knowing the unending.
The veil goes unparted,
the mist unburned;
the seal unbroken,
the key unturned.

A poem by Jon Jenkins