

Creative Works

Wednesday 5 September 2007: Well, I'm back again. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Aren't you all going to be glad when I finally say, "I've met someone!" or "I've had a sudden change in my entire life outlook--I love everything now!" Sure you will be. Keep holding your breath.
School is stressful. I'm surprised how off-kilter this has caught me. I feel great at my job, lately, but besides the job things are not good. Homework... who would have thought homework would ever bother me? Unfortunately we have Ed. Media II shaping up, in my Literacy Education class. Looks like too little in the way of explicit instruction and too much in the way of overbearing requirements. We'll see who cracks first, I suppose. Other than that, it's just a lot of reading to do. I love reading loads more than the next guy, but some of this stuff is a bit heavy. I had 146 pages due for one class; granted, I did it in one night instead of the possible two or more... I'm just lucky that it turned out to be an engaging, popular-press book. So, long story short, lots to do and not much time.
Student teaching--the real deal--is heating up. I've got to get my ass in gear, tomorrow, and revise my resume (not a big deal) and my "teaching background papers" (potentially quite the haul--I haven't taken another look at those since I entered the school of education, here). Plus I'm apparently slated for some kind of "interview" on Friday this week...? Bad news is, I have no idea when or where. I should probably look, but the e-mail I received was a bit vague on that point. So, maybe I'll end up losing my student teaching placement and then get thrown out of school. So long, three-plus years of education... Taco John's fry maker, here I come.
Plenty of other lousy things are happening in my life, but they're really too numerous to mention specifically; besides, you can pretty much get all of them by reading through my last month or so of posts, anyhow. The more things change... wait, things aren't changing. Scratch that. But you get the idea.
Unless I barely know you, I probably don't need any heartfelt replies to this statement of mine. I've got enough interpersonal landmines hovering around me anymore.