
So Far...

Creative Works

Wednesday 26 September 2007: Wow... that last post was a pretty big downer. Then again, not much has happened since then... but still. So, what is happening? Let's see...
Oh, right. Nothing. School is school. First exams of the semester have come and gone and scores have come and gone, and nothing new; I'm at the bottom of the top, like usual. The house has descended into cold war, and I'm pretty much holed up here in front of the computer. I took up with the Iowa Public Interest Research Group, and they're getting some of my scant (and sometimes borrowed) volunteer time. Weekends are pretty easygoing. I have a few new gadgets, including a new wireless keyboard and mouse (old set burned out after a couple years) and an iPod. It's fun.
Mostly I'm just sorting myself out some more, like usual. Birthday in about a month, so that'll be nice. It's an excuse to get people to hang out with me. Like I said: I'm taking things day-by-day, and seeing if I can't make things get a little bit better at a time.
So, everybody should be in touch, seriously. Drop me a line, because I'm not good at keeping up with everybody I know. It doesn't mean that I don't like you, I promise.