

Creative Works

Friday 23rd September 2005 - Good grief, I'm a lazy bastard. Who's with me? Anybody? Come on, it was just a joke! It's Friday, friends & neighbors, and that means what? The week is done! And what a week.
What a long time since I updated is more like it. My knee is perfectly fine, good since the end of last week, and I'm free and clear, according to the physical therapist and the doctor. Good for me, eh?
Other than that, I've been slaving to keep up with school work, my job at the dining center, and student government. Oh, on that note, I have a happy announcement! I am now the National Communications Chair (in training) for the University of Northern Iowa! I am positively psyched. Here's the rundown on what the heck my position entails: colleges and universities all over the country (continent, actually--Canada's included) have Residence Hall Associations (RHAs), all of them part of the National Association of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH, the national conference of which I went to this past summer, in New York). The RHAs get money from their universities, et cetera, in order to improve on-campus student life. These colleges and so forth are organized into regions. My school happens to be the the Midwest region (MACURH). So, as NCC, I will communicate with other schools in my region. The Regional Coordinator talks to the Regional Coordinators of other regions to talk about the great student life ideas we come up with. It's all very simple, really. And I say that completely tongue-in-cheek, for people without sarcasm detection.
Other than that... what else... Hard to pick out any one thing. I am still madly in love with Rachel, I'm working hard at keeping up with my schoolwork, and trying to keep on reading good things, so as to feed my brain.
Last note: Dungeons & Dragons continues. This will be our... fourth week? Just our fourth, wow, hard to believe. Tonight's adventure (of my own conception): The Forge of War! Yeah, rock!  \m/  Okay... reverie over. But seriously, tonight will be good. Our motley group will have guests, which makes me smile at exposing our nerdery.
All in all, a good week, though I didn't get to talk with Rachel enough. I hope everyone that wanted me to update--ahemsarahahem--are satisfied, and I'll try to be more regular about it, in between all my crazy adventures. Catch all you crazy kids on the flip side!