
The Mad Rush of It All

Creative Works

Tuesday 19 September 2006 - Holy smokes, has it been a long time since I updated. I can tell you why, too: I can't find a browser that can do the job. My own Internet Explorer is so riddled with bugs that I can't get it to work most of the time, and the other browsers available, Firefox and Safari, can't edit the site properly. Every time I try to open a text editing page, it crams all the HTML code down my throat, and I can't take that. So, here I sit, in the computer lab under the student union, finally updating. Besides all that, I can barely find the time to sit down for a few minutes, let alone update all of you what's happening in my life. But here I am, so I can give it a shot:
My roommate hates me. Long story short, he put beer in my fridge without asking, I asked him to get it out, he made excuses and didn't do it, so I went to my Residence Life Coordinator (that's the one in charge of the whole building) and asked what I could do. Some RAs visited our room, made him clear out the booze, and wrote us both up. I was cleared of all charges, since it wasn't mine, but he hates my guts now, and is dedicated to making my stay in the room a living hell--or at the very least, uncomfortable.
Classes are good. Classroom Assessment is too long at a stretch, Brit Lit is fun and informative, Applied Linguistics covers things I've learned before, Learning and Instruction in the Classroom is an hour-and-fifteen-minute sleeping pill (plus I dislike the professor), Film History is great, and the crowning achievement of my classes for this semester is being back in the classroom, teaching. I co-teach a bunch of 11th and 12th graders at the Price Laboratory School, right behind my residence hall. I'm up early, but it's rewarding.
Work: I don't get enough hours, and too many of my appointments are no-shows, but I'm not about to quit my only means of earning any money at all.
Student government is crazy. I'm the President of Dancer Hall Senate, a member of Residence Leadership Council, the Director of Residence Hall Relations on the President's Executive Board for Northern Iowa Student Government, and an inductee of National Residence Hall Honorary. These positions keep me pretty tied up, next to classes and work.
Dungeons & Dragons is on. I've got an all-new group: Kara, Sarah, my friend Lydia, and my coworker Kendra. Kara and Lydia are completely new to the game, and Kendra and Sarah have played a little bit before, at varying times in the past. Our first session was dynamic, and I'm looking forward to a year of diverting Friday sessions.
What else to say? That seems like the rundown. Oh, yeah, I'm in counseling this fall, too. I still have a lot to work out, especially about me and my relationships (mostly the romantic type). I figure it's good to have somebody to talk to, who's a professional to boot. So far, so good, with that. Anything else? I don't really think so. I'm sure I'll have people reminding me what I've forgotten to put up here, sometime in the next few days. Maybe there will be amendments made to this--who knows?
Until next time, folks. Hopefully it won't take me another month-plus to update again, but I'm a busy guy. Hope everybody out there is taking it a little easier than I am!