Monday 12 September 2005 - Whew... not even a week since I put something up here... and yet it seems like so long. Second
D&D session gone, and I'm almost done planning for the third. Classes are going all right; tons of reading, but I'm pulling
my weight.
As for everything else... I don't know more to say. Social life is going pretty well, small hiccups not withstanding.
Oh! Yeah, I forgot to mention, I hurt my leg last Thursday at work. Not broken, nobody needs to worry. I just twisted it up
a ton. Swelled to maybe the size of a softball, maybe a little bigger. It was not cool, and really hard to walk on for a few
days. But then I got to the hospital, got some prescription drugs, and the swelling and everything went down just fine. I've
got physical therapy this week... not much, and really lame that I have to go, but hey... Whatever keeps this from coming
back to bite me, I figure.
That about wraps it up... I'll be here if anybody needs me. I always like hearing from everyone, so send a message, give
me a call, mail a letter. Until I talk to you all again, take care.