Saturday 8 August 2004 - Finally figured I'd just put the whole date down for these entries. It's for posterity, by now,
since nobody's reading these things. Except maybe people gone on mission trips... You know who you are.
Wow... what a whirlwind of stuff to put down, this week... Just over a week before I leave for school... gosh, the suspense is killing me. The packing and moving will probably kill me all over again...
I'm taking care of my father's apartment building this week while he's on vacation in Colorado
with my little brother... What a pain in the neck, taking care of that place. Maintenance work, fielding endless calls from
prospective rentors (there's only one available apartment in the place, for certain), endless calls from current rentors...
Ugh. People who lock themselves out of their own apartments are another of those pains in the neck, a subsection of the pain
in the neck that is fielding calls from current rentors. It isn't that expensive to have copies of a key made. Give it
to your neighbors for safekeeping. Hide it under your doormat. Nobody is going to try to break into your rathole apartment,
folks. And trust me, this apartment is a medium-level rathole, for sure.
I won't go into the politics of my father's purchase of this place, but let's just say that he borrowed against a lot
of money he doesn't have right now. I don't know if he put down life insurance worth as collateral, but it wouldn't surprise
me. My mom's pissed (and rightly so--this was a unilateral decision on my father's part; a birthday present to himself) and
while the income for caretaking is nice, I'd rather not have to have anything to do with it.
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, the question you've all been dying to have answered: "What do you do with all of
your spare time, Jon?" Well, I'll tell you: Besides reading a lot, and surfing the Internet, I am programming a game. Or a
gamelet. A little game, a scenario. Long story short, Spiderweb Software makes great games which I love to play. Ergo, when they publish a program that lets regular users create games with
their code, I'm in. So now I'm stumbling through a whole new programming language and graphical interface editor. It's tough,
but rewarding. As of right now, I'm dead stuck on my plotline. It has no... hook. Nothing to get gamers interested, you know?
If you care to help me at all, e-mail me (change that AT) and we'll talk shop.
That's it for this week, friends and neighbors. See you next week, same great place, same great time. (Note: Yes, I know
this week was not at the "same great time." I forgot about my update until late Friday night... thus published early Saturday
morning. Keep it to yourself. Everybody's a critic.)