
All Play and No Work

Creative Works

Sunday 6 August 2006 - Not much to report... Lots going on, none I really care to put up here. It's not that I'm incensed with you, my loyal readers. If Tripod stats are to be believed, in fact, I have more of you than I even suspected... Those of you who are out there and haven't talked to me yet: use the contact information on the side of the welcome page (this page, until I move this entry to its own private corner) to talk to me. I don't bite.
I'm done with work, as of last Friday. I've been hanging out at Kara & Sarah's apartment this weekend. I came for Kara's 21st birthday party, and stayed for the great company. Decent party, and the rest of the weekend has been a blast. Spent too much shopping for clothes during "tax-free" weekend, and on some things that I really shouldn't have bought... Oh, well. Plus I bought a flat-screen monitor this past... Thursday, was it? Anyhow, that's been on my wishlist for a long time, and with the money I've earned from work, I don't have to sweat it. I don't mind being a little bit of a corporate schill, so head over to the Dell website, and tell 'em Jon Jenkins sent you. Works for Conan O'Brien... maybe I can get them to give me a free memory upgrade for my desktop, right?
Other news? All my classes are scheduled for school, and I make my triumphant return on August 15th. Red-letter day, I guess you might say. I might say it, anyhow. I have a roommate, but that's okay. I can always escape to my Fortress of Solitude--a.k.a. Kara & Sarah's.
On the D&D front--things are still iffy, but I definitely need a fourth player. If any of you play and are on or around the UNI campus... come play. We need you; experienced players would be enjoyed, but I'm willing to train complete amateurs, provided you bring your enthusiasm for magical fantasy lands.
At any rate, that's about all for me tonight, and probably for a while. At least a week--I'm writing now from Kara & Sarah's high-speed Internet connection, a luxury I've done without this summer. But soon, I shall return... granted that I can rid my system of the nasty little contagion it acquired at the end of spring semester... Ah, well. I've kept it quarantined since then, off the modem. I'll find the shot in the arm that it needs, eventually. And here I go on and on... Time for me to go live my life. Take care, everyone, and drop me a line, eh?