
Friends & More Friends

Creative Works

Night, Saturday 27 August 2005 - The game is afoot. Everyone see the blog of Jacob & I at Gygax Gaming Group. Anybody on UNI campus who might read this and is interested in hooking up with our group, especially people who might want to guest DM (I'm such a lightweight at it, yet)-- get in touch with me. See my description above for methods. Talk to everybody soon, I hope.

Saturday 27 August 2005 - It's been a long night. I'm beginning my very first try at being Dungeon Master at a game of Dungeons & Dragons... I've been poring over the books that my friend Jacob gave me. He brought me crates and CDs, all, but I haven't gotten through very many of the books. Hopefully they're not all equally important. So, tomorrow at two, we start the preliminary stages of the game... Everyone out there can track our in-group game news on my the blog my friend Jacob put up: Gygax Gaming Group. I swear that he has to put that man's name on everything D&D related...
I'm starting to think I imagined my visit with Rachel... So little time has passed, and already it seems so far away. I will try to remember harder. I love Rachel, and I'm committed to keeping our relationship strong, even over distance and time.
Fun note: my flash drive went through the washing machine with my work pants. Whoops... But thanks to the plastic cover I had on, it seems undamaged. I even scanned it for disk errors, and nothing came up. Thank goodness for the resilience of modern electronics.
Last, and certainly not least, a friend dropped by, tonight. She and I had a moderately long talk. Things have been going badly between us. We haven't been the nicest to each other, because we've both been keeping certain things hidden. But everybody who knows me well knows that I'm a peacemaker and a reconciler. I know I did wrong to her, and there's no excuse for that. For my part, I say that she has nothing to feel bad about, and I applaud her bravery in coming forward to talk about it, in the open. She is a true friend.
She also knows who she is, and I'm not going to reveal her identity. This site stands as a record, but I don't have to provide the Rosetta Stone to things all the time.
All right, this is the last of it, I swear: More people should write in the Registry, and secondly, I need a new name for the website. Maybe that'll spur some of you to write in there, eh?