Wednesday 17 August 2005 - Still not a whole lot going on. I've moved onto the UNI campus by now, and am helping move
in other people. This morning I helped move in a "springboard" floor. It's a floor where a bunch of freshmen get to move in
early and get a feel for school and the residence hall community and everything. I didn't do it last year, and I haven't heard
opinions on the process one way or another. Tomorrow I work the morning shift for Move-In Crew, and Friday, the afternoon
shift. It's supposed to be about 92 Friday afternoon. Fun times.
My great friend Kara is supposed to be on campus tomorrow... Moving in, I believe, for some reason. Perhaps to start
work at the University book store early. I know it taxes her nerves, and more, but I know as well as anybody that money is
money. I look forward to helping her move in, after I finish my duties on Move-In Crew at one o'clock. On a related note,
I dropped close to $400 at her place of employment, today, after my Move-In work was finished. God bless capitalism.
Oh, yeah, I have a roommate. He's a Korean international student... I'll be up front and say I don't like him. I'm not
a racist, I just enjoy my solitude. Plus he shut the windows last night. I fried. I should have done something about it, but
if he tries it again, he'll get a talking to. Other than that, so far, so good. I also won my internal battle over spending
money on food; Move-In Crew only feeds us at lunch, and I was really hungry... so my friend Robbie and I went to Hardee's.
Good food, there, surprisingly. It's been a long, long time since I partook.
So, belly full and schedule determined, I leave this writing. Check out the newest addition to my story... You know you want to. If you haven't read it yet, take a look.