

Creative Works

Saturday 13 August 2005 - I always say that these entries will be brief, and I mean this one to be, too, but don't quote me on that.
My vacation was wonderful. I went, I met a wonderful friend of over a year, and we connected more than we ever had before. It was, like they say, a beautiful thing. She and I are definitely in love. There were those who said it couldn't work, but we'll both keep working at it. Neither she nor I are going to give up.
My mother, brother and I have moved into the new house, and unpacked a reasonable amount. Still plenty to do, but so far, we've done well, here. Our Internet connection leaves something to be desired, but I, for one, will have that problem remedied once I move up to campus for school...
I go back to school on Tuesday. My little brother's helping me move, and taking time out of his practice and work schedules to do it. Good for him. It may be until Wednesday or Thursday until I talk to any of my more regular online friends again. Have no fear; I will return. I'll see the rest of you around when I can--there's a lot I need to do once I get to campus, even before school starts.
Not much else to report... Best vacation of my life, done with work for a bit, the move went well (though I wasn't here), the new house is comfortable, and Tuesday I make my triumphant return to UNI. All in all, a great summer. It'll be a while before I update the site again, but I hope all you crazy kids stay in touch, in the meantime.