7-8-04 - Gosh, so much to say... and I can put all of it right here, the only constraints being my attention
span and typing stamina... Hah, I don't even have to care whether or not you can read it all! But... I do have to be kind
to my visitors, or this site will become some kind of relic.
You know, I hate to get nostalgic, but by my reckoning, this past Independence Day was the fifth anniversary of this site's founding. Way back
in 1998, I was turned on to some website called Tripod... and the rest is a generally forgettable story. I hardly even remembered that the site turned five, except
that it's on the Fourth of July, for goodness sake. Tough to forget.
Anyhow, on to current news... Who would have thought that it's been less than a week, and I'm still updating
this thing, eh? I've actually been doing tons of small checkups and bug fixes in spelling, alignment, text wrapping... There
are even a few new pages to visit.
So, past and future, this website of mine is pretty dynamic. I hope everyone enjoys what I've got here so
far, and you can likely look forward to more material as time goes by.