
UNI Prep

Creative Works

Friday 30 July 2004- Good morning, everyone! Today is a good day. In fact, I haven't been appreciating my days near enough, lately.
Today, I'm off on a little jaunt to the University of Northern Iowa with a friend of mine. We're going to hang out, get some of my University business accomplished--mostly obtaining my parking pass, so I can bring my car to school, this fall.
Other than that, we're going to get the lay of the land, so I can find my way around, when I need to. Most of the stuff I'm going to need are pretty much adjacent to the University, or at least close by... but it never hurts to know a little more, right? I figure I've already got a leg up on a lot of people, seeing as how I'm going in a whole week early for work training; I get to work in the dining center--the Rialto--in my dorm tower. I'll have a week to navigate campus and get my bearings. Not that I don't have a sense of direction... but that won't get me to my Oral Communications class someday, now will it?
Other than that, in these last sixteen days, or so, I've got the last gasp of working at the apartment building my dad owns (don't ask, touchy family subject), and for the city of Marshalltown, too. I've got all my major appliances purchased for school (refrigerator, microwave--not taking a TV. I'll find something else to occupy me.), and I've got my books on order from the campus bookstore.
So, this little trip is one of my last steps, really, in getting used to campus, before I actually move there. I have to admit, I'm still jittery about it... But I hope that I can manage.
A Note: Good grief, I need to standardize the date format at the beginning of these things... Not to mention the fact that I originally put "August" for the month on this one. My mind is most clearly on next month, already.