Monday 11 July 2005 - I decided to delete yesterday's whiny complaining. Today is a new day, and I feel a lot better
Big News. My story has been put up on the site. Look for it just underneath of this. For what it's worth, don't steal
the material, all right? It's here for your enjoyment, and there are plenty of people who already know that I wrote it first.
Sunday 10 July 2005 - Yesterday's depressed ranting has been stricken from this record by the site creator.

Monday 18 July 2005 - Not much to report, again. Work continues unabated. I have a lot of time to think, there. My nostalgia
over school has come back in full force... I miss my school friends, and I miss school. It's a good thing I'm becoming
a teacher--I'll never have to leave. On top of that nostalgia about old friends, my judgemental nature has reared its ugly
head. But this time, I think I've thought through things enough. I have a rather definitive statement of which I'm pretty
"... I have as much entitlement to meddle as I merit myself, but at present, I think the proper amount of meddling
is to suggest, to question, or probe, but never to force. People are complex things, and if, as I've concluded, my friendship
to a person is based on my enjoying their presence, then it's in my best interest to allow them to be as they are, while being
mindful of our mutual enjoyment."
It's a good statement, I think. I really want to change some people. But I think that the lesser evil is to be tolerant,
but not to compromise my own beliefs, values, et cetera, and back down. I am who I am, just like they are who they are. Two-way
Also, I have a new piece in my story! If you're interested, take a look!
One last thing... Sixteen days, now, until I embark on my great journey to Pennsylvania. A bus ticket has been procured.
Thanks mom. ;-) I would have paid for it myself, but she offered, since my brother has gotten around $600 for his
exploits, this summer. I'm still going to be paying for a hotel room for three nights... which I do gladly, but as always,
I worry about money. Two more weeks (possibly over 40 hours apiece) until I'm done with my job, so that's money towards my
Anyhow, I'll be going, now. I've taken too much time sitting around on this computer. I have things to do and places
to go. Possibly people to see--we'll see. Until next time, all my readers: Be excellent to each other.