Saturday 25 June 2005 - Not much to say, really. I was once again badgered by a friend to update this, but to be honest,
work has sucked up a lot of my life.
It now tops forty hours a week, with me putting in roughly two hours of overtime last week. Not much, I know, but some.
Enough to make it forty-two hours a week, and that's more than I bargained for. On the other hand... I can do it. I mean,
work is tough, but it's not impossible, and the people, while rough around the edges (some much, much more than others), aren't
mean. When I worked back at the pizza place, those people were mean. It was my first job, yeah, but they were just rude, uncouth,
and pretty much slimeballs. So now, I'm being kept busy by work, and just when I want to go out and do the most stuff.
Yesterday night, I went to Ames and Iowa City with friends. Quite the road trip for tame Jenkins. But very cool. Tomorrow
I'm going to Adventureland amusement park in Des Moines. I need to keep getting out a regular intervals. Staying here is still
bad, despite my father abandoning the place until my brother, mother and I are out of it. My mother has apparently mastered
the process of making things awkward all by herself. I'd heave a theatrical sigh, but the point is lost, anymore. It's hard
reality, and here I am. Although... I've pissed and moaned my fair share, to almost all my friends. To those of you who have
been put through that, and see this: I formally apologize. You're all way too nice to put up with me, and I appreciate what
you've done, so far. Hopefully there isn't much more reason for me to vent like that, in the future.
In other news, my writing continues, unabated. Got a bit of writer's block, but then that passed. Request a copy at my
e-mail address, conveniently listed above! If enough people ask me about it, I *may* put it up on the website. But I don't
want people to come along and steal my stuff, now.
Also, last thing, I promise, folks... My favorite girl just got back from a mission trip, and I wanted to say that I'm
glad to have her back with me, as it were.
Nothing much else. I need to update more often, because I'm sure you're all missing super-important stuff in my life.
I really wish there were a smooth way to let everyone know that I'm snickering as I typed that last part. Anyhow, everyone
out there keep being nice to me, because I do appreciate it. Keep in touch, and how about you love your neighbor a little
more? I don't know... seems like with so much traffic, I might as well use this waste of space to promote a little fellowship,