Sunday 24 June 2007: Hey, gang, guess what? More complaining from me. Tune out as you wish. But first! a few constructive,
if not encouraging, updates: Almost done with summer classes, then I'm going to try and push for more work hours, because
God knows I need the money, like everyone else on the face of the planet. Second, D&D is going all right. My overall poor
mood is actually damping that, but I hope that part of my life, at least, bounces back soon.
So, on to the complaining. I'm going to keep it short; I'm driving out to Wal*Mart in a bit just to get out of the house
and get my mind on my shitty driving instead of the rest of my life for a few measly minutes. So, "alternate bouts of rage
and disappointment"? Still there. Tonight I went nuts over not knowing what pan to use to cook some chicken out of the freezer--well,
that and the latest gas bill, which is nobody's fault in particular. But I went a wee bit batty over that; even I know I'm
starting to crack up when that happens.
Even my imaginary avenues of romantic encounter have slammed shut. People who should know what that means will know.
The rest of you can overlook it.
So, I'm going kind of crazy. The best news is that I have another week's worth of work and classes to distract me from
solving my problems. The rock and hard place in this situation are, respectively, not having any potential dates on the horizon
and not knowing at all what to do about that. One of those could, potentially, be dealt with. It's a very precise metaphor;
an allegory, if you will. Let it never be said that in my madness I lose the faculty of coherent figures of speech.