Thursday 2 June 2005 - Remembered to date this one. And to those of you who keep pestering me for updates, I've been
hella busy.
So, let me start with the beginning of the busy-ness. Following finals week, of course, I moved out of my dorm room.
*That* was a three or four hour trial, let me tell you. Living in a tower full of people with only two elevators is a bad
idea. But that got done, pleasant or not.
Next thing was the Great Job Hunt. On spring break, I secured myself a position with Head Start, a government funded
preschool program. Well... long story short, I got back to town, and they've been dragging their feet on hiring me, ever since.
So I had to run around to lots of other places, be really nervous about going broke, and finally sign up with Temp Associates,
a local... you guessed it... temp agency. So now I work in a warehouse, shuffling around big bags of corn seed. Forty hours
a week. Eight bucks an hour. Hooray for free market capitalism, folks.
Uhm... so now, I'm back home, I have a job. My folks are *still* divorcing, and I'm completely unsurprised to report
that things are still nerve-wracking and scary. The latest scare is "we might not be able to move to the new house if my father
doesn't pay my mom the money he legally owes her." Fun times.
I guess I can keep beating around the bush about my secret crush... I am still rather caught up with her, and hopefully
it will never end. It feels wonderful. But... her identity can still be secret to all my loyal fans. Oh! Speaking
of loyal fans, I have a big announcement:
I'm writing something. Now, this doesn't come as a shock to those of you who know my college major (English Education).
But this is... wow. I mean, I don't mean to be my own fan club or anything, but I'm impressed by how cohesive this story is,
already. I don't even know how long it will end up being. If you'd like to read it, I'm glad to e-mail or fileshare a copy
with you through instant messenger.
So, for those of you who like to watch the last five minutes of a movie, read the last page first, and skip to the summary
of my updates... Job is good. Home is iffy. Writing is awesome. I tried to keep this short, since my last update was an angsty
rant, and stayed up here way too long. To everyone out there, keep on swingin'!