Tuesday 20 June 2006 - Just thought I'd update again. Check out the new D&D update section; I'm actually kind of proud of it. Never mind about that, though.
Not much to talk about on the life front... I still haven't gotten any work. This has definitely pissed off my mom. I'll
admit that I could be looking harder. Granted, I'm disappointed that the Temp Agency hasn't offered me a shred of employment,
but I could always be pounding the pavement a little more. However, as my friend Sara observed last Sunday morning,
you get to a point where you don't feel like "restaurant jobs." On the other hand, my mom would always argue "shut the
hell up, because you don't have the privilege to choose what kind of job you get." I certainly have bills coming due...
On the plus side, I do have a tiny bit of work going for me. A friend of my mom's employs me for some data entry
and tech support. She's not the most computer savvy of individuals, a fact for which I'm very thankful. Still, it's a
pittance, and not steady work in any case.
Let's see... What else? Lack of work seems to make up most of it. I spend my days reading, playing Avernum 4, chatting online, riding my bike, occasionally playing D&D, and, of course, keeping an irregular sleep schedule. All
in all, it's pleasant, but I'm still looking for something fulfilling to do. Lately I've had this feeling that I'm supposed
to be doing more. I have some goals, now, but I need to get in gear on that... or start working.
On a final newsworthy sidenote, Rachel and I aren't together anymore. I'm sure everyone's going to be just shocked
about this, and everyone has a right to feel however they want. As for me, I'm dealing. I have a lot to think about.
Everybody take care. Drop me a line sometime. And for those of you whom I'll be visiting soon: I'm really looking forward
to some time out of the house., and seeing you. I don't know if a party is going to be a great idea, but everything besides
that ought to be fun.