Hello, friends and neighbors! I am back in the state for good, now. My second trip--the one to Cedar Point in Sandusky,
Ohio--is finished. It was a good time. Lots of walking around the park, just like my last visit. But this time, I got to catch
way more coasters. I think I've now ridden all but one of the park's coasters: the Top Thrill Dragster. I'm in no hurry to
get back to that one. But the Mantis, the Millenium Force, the Raptor... top 3, I have to say. And the other ones aren't bad,
either. Especially the Magnum. Close 4th. But that Mean Streak, Cedar Point's wooden coaster? Might as well call it the Kidney
Puncher. It's a lot more uncomfortable than when I rode it with Krista after Prom.
So, home again, home again. Still no job... the temp agency hasn't found me anything. I'm supposed to do a little tech
support for my mom's friend... That might be another $10 in my pocket, at least. I could use it, with a $56 speeding
ticket, a $40 bike repair bill, and a rapidly waning gas gauge. Oh, and a $30 cell bill this month. Ah, well... things will
work out, I have faith.
My arduous journey toward a new mental balance is getting interesting. I thought of this flip little comment, a while
ago: I want to get into people's minds like some guys want to get into women's pants. I laughed to myself about that for a
few seconds before I realized how unpleasant it really is, especially if it's true. That likens what I really want, the kind
of connection I want to make with people... into a form of rape. Food for thought, I suppose. Like I said, I'm really thinking
hard about all this stuff. I'm having lots of mixed-up ideas and feelings about romance, dating, friends, and what I want
to get out of it all. So I keep thinking and weighing and adjusting to find my balance.
One last thing before I'm all tapped out, here... The D&D update is now a separate section of the site, so the rest
of you don't have to slog through it on the way to the rest of my fascinating life. And no, I wasn't able to even type that
without snickering.
Until next time, let us all heed the immortal words of Aristotle: "It is unbecoming for young men to utter maxims."