
No Love...

Creative Works

   I have finished my senior year of high school, and have graduated from high school. This means one thing, right now: I'm being forced to get a job to take up as much of my free time as possible. I am contemplating the nature of financial problems. I could use the money, certainly, but I wish my parents were more adept at helpful suggestions instead of coercion. I just applied at a temporary employment agency, and I'm already being told, in very few uncertain terms, that I should go apply to the second temp agency in town. This makes me unhappy.
In case anyone cares, I am most thoroughly out of love by now. Those of you that knew about my brief brush with romantic love, take note.
On another school-related note, anyone who wishes to find me during fall of 2004 can track me down at the University of Northern Iowa. Try not to put too many assassin hits out on me; I'll be trying to study.
Nothing much to report, really. I am constantly evolving as a person, and I feel that this growth has reached record proportions, lately. I am expanding my horizons and questioning my pet assumptions. They are getting antsy. For the record, at this point in history, both global and personal, I continue to chafe under parental rule. I have set my eye on the unrestrained future, but that doesn't guarantee that I'll become a better person. I just muddle through, like everyone else.