Good grief. What's the date again?
Saturday 5 February 2005 - Ah, there we are. Return to order. In fact, that describes just about *everything* since my
last update. But, perhaps, I ought to start at the beginning, eh? ;-)
I got an e-mail this morning with a *demand* to update my website. That was kind of mind-bending. I didn't realize
people expected that... but I'm willing to oblige, and glad somebody's keeping up with things.
Let's see... well, for starters, the sun came out. I don't know if I've got cyclothymia, or seasonal affective disorder, because that sun really kicked me into gear. So, everything's been looking better, lately.
Next up, this is the week that PRO Board, a student government organization I'm in, does lots of neat pre-Valentine's
week activities. This is the first year PRO Board has existed, but we've borrowed a lot of good standbys. For instance, Wednesday,
I'm going to be sold off in a date auction. Yes, yes, I've got a girlfriend... but PRO Board is also hosting a group date
for all the auction participants. It's a pasta dinner and a movie. Very classy, really. Besides, the non-cost proceeds from
the auction go to a battered women's shelter. Aside from being auctioned, I'm on setup and decoration committee.
So I'll have to be at both the auction and the dinner a bit early to make everything all festive.
PRO Board is also doing another classic program, with a twist. Did your school ever do that "send a carnation" thing,
where you could send different colored flowers (possibly carnations, but it's always something like that) to someone you had
a crush on, or were going out with? Well, PRO Board is doing that. With soda. Somebody got the idea from another campus, I
think, doing something called Crush Cans, with... you guessed it: Crush soda. Except there's a hangup. UNI is a Pepsi campus. So, we've retitled it "Care Cans," and come up with catchy designations for three different brands of Pepsi product.
So, all next week, PRO Board representatives will be selling these across campus. Only $1, and you can have one sent anywhere
on campus. Ah, the joys of exploiting the intra-campus postal system. :-)
Let's see... in other news, I'm doing pretty well in school? Aced a couple of tests... a few weeks ago, now, just about.
I took a Humanities test Friday from Professor Robert "Bobby" Dise. I probably did okay. Poorly on name recognition, pretty
well on the sections over Frankenstein. By the way (although I don't encourage not reading assigned supplements), if you ever want to fake having read Frankenstein, watch the movie Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. It's really a pretty good movie. I watched it for SciFi class, during my senior year in high school, and having recently
read the book, I think they're a pretty good match. Neither of them are really horror stories. It's all social commentary
by Mary Shelley, to be honest. Not that it's bad. But there are times when it gets pretty obvious that she's a Romantic, and
doesn't really care for intellectualism.
Gosh... uhm, nothing else, really. I have great plans for Valentine's Day, but I'm kinda keeping them under wraps because
my girlfriend reads this website sometimes.
Last notes... oh, I wanted to say hello to two of the infamous Jacobs, who tell me they're working on their own Tripod
site. This thing is a godsend, guys, I can tell you that much.
Also, to Kayla, in case you didn't get my e-mail: Stay AWAY from Zach Frangenberg. Tell your friend. I'm not kidding.
On that ominous note, I think I'll finish this up... I need to revamp my links section, since my daily websurfing lately
has taken me to a variety of new and interesting places. See you around, everybody! :-)