Saturday 20 May 2006 - Certainly has been a long time since I updated. Sorry about that, gang. So little time, so much
to do...
Let me see if I can get this all straight, eh?
D&D wrap-up for the school year was so-so. Hope everyone had a good time. Summer campaign's having a lot of trouble
getting off the ground, since none of my three players seems to have any interest in things besides when I bully them into
stuff. I'm also a bit miffed that they laughed at some stuff about my new campaign setting--and I'm not unhappy about what
you think I am. I don't care if they have fun; that's no problem. I just wish that they could immerse themselves a little
more. Yes, I know that some of this stuff sounds ridiculous. The names of things alone sound like vocal spasms, in
a lot of cases. But Wizards of the Coast made up all the names in their books just like I did. Doesn't make mine any less
valid just because I'm not a filthy-rich gaming company. I'd like a little respect, I guess.
Otherwise, the end of the year went well. Finals week wasn't a breeze, but it wasn't as bad as I dreaded. Things
never are, I suppose. I had an awful time moving out... I was a couple hours late, at least, hitting the road to Chicago.
That brings me to my great End of the Year Odyssey. Drove to Chicago, crashed at my uncle & aunt's place for the
night. Took off the next morning, contending with morning rush hour traffic in the Windy City... I didn't do too badly, either.
Got to the airport, and getting on my flight was no problem. Automated check-in, no bags to put in cargo... smooth sailing.
Got to Pittsburgh, and Rachel and her friend Marianne came to pick me up. Marianne was navigating... and got us lost
in Pittsburgh for an hour or two. And not in the good parts, either. At last, we got me back to Rachel's place. It was mostly
hanging out that night, after picking up my tuxedo, which was excellent. Some of Rachel's friends came over. I had a good
time--they played DDR, but they're good people, in spite of that.
The next day was the Big Event... Rachel went out to get her nails, hair, and makeup done. I stayed back at her place
and caught up on sleep. That afternoon, we both got all dressed up, and the picture marathon began. Rachel's mom graciously
let me drive her car to get us to and from events that evening. A heartfelt thank-you to you, Mrs. D. That was kind of grueling,
but worth it. Rachel looked beautiful, of course. I never think I'm very photogenic, and there's not much that can change
that. But the tux was sharp, I have to say.
Prom itself was pretty classy, besides the cardboard castle up front. Rachel's friend Marianne won Prom Queen, and we
all cheered. I danced lamely. I had trouble meshing well with Rachel's friends, but it was a big event, and I didn't have
much time to ease into it. I have to say, though, they are some cool kids, by and large. I doubt that any of them will read
this, but a shout out to Krista, Marianne, Charleen, let's see... wow, I'm pretty lame. Calvin. I remember Calvin. Reminded
me a lot of my old friend Ben Jones. And geez... Mike? That was Charleen's guy who drove in from New York, someplace... I
think that was his name. He was cool. Quiet, but seemed interesting.
Anyhow... Prom was fun times. And you know what else was fun? Cedar Point, Ohio, the very next day. Up waaaay too early--Rachel
and I crashed right after Prom, didn't even catch any parties in the area--to drive at least three hours to the amusement
park. But it was worth it. Got to ride some awesome roller coasters--and, ah, also find out via after-ride photo kiosks that
I look like a dope when I ride them--and ate at Johnny Rocket's, and cool stuff like that. Evening sucked big time,
but we were running on way too little sleep, by that point.
We got back, and the next day, after a very nice church service, Rachel & I crashed once again. I don't remember
a lot of specifics. Just sitting around, cuddling, that sort of nice stuff that we don't get to do, usually. We watched Mr.
& Mrs. Smith that evening. Mediocre movie, but neither of us were paying much attention. More like basking in each other's
The next day, more hanging out before I had to get back to the airport. Rachel's dad came along, to make sure that Rachel
could get back to her hometown safely. Those roads out there are all winding and weird. I don't blame her for not quite knowing
her way home again. Anyhow... airport was a breeze, again.
I just miss her so much. The visit... didn't go ideally. But it sure flew by. Makes me regret being a shmuck. But...
everything is okay, in the end. This showed both of us something, I think--about visits and about our relationship. For one
thing, it's stronger than some little snag like a few mistakes we made. And that we're going to keep moving forward and getting
closer, even if we have to fight for every inch. But I still miss her something awful.
That's quite enough for one night. Get a hold of me if you want more details... or if you think you can wrestle pictures
out of me. Summer's going well. Three days of work at the concrete plant with the temp agency made me glad for my freedom,
and the money wasn't bad. Trip to California still coming up, and family vacation to Cedar Point again, after that.
Hope to hear from everyone, sooner or later. Come visit me, eh? Always good to have some human contact inside the old
bubble. Until next time... use sunblock and screen out deadly cancer-rays. That's all I've got, for tonight.