Saturday 8 April 2006 - It's been too long, my loyal audience. Last week was not much fun... work when I didn't expect
it, lots of homework, everything. At least I finally got my financial aid information mailed in.
I'll get the "D&D report" out of the way now. My friend Danger, a.k.a. Nick, ran the game for the past couple sessions,
both on Fridays. Now the reins are back with me, and I need to move this monstrosity of a gaming group toward some kind of
resolution for the year. It's hard to keep my mind on things, since people told me they would be up for another game during
the summer--I've been thinking way too far ahead about how to run that game. Keeping focused on the current campaign is difficult.
We've come so far already... Hard to believe that some of these guys had never played D&D before this game. On the other
hand, sometimes it's very easy to remember that... They're all still working out kinks. Maybe this summer will be
a better mix. I'm going back home, so there will be new people and a new group dynamic.
Time keeps flying by in other respects, too. Lots of homework as all my professors try to cram in the end of their second-to-last
units, as we approach the end of the academic year. At least I'm still pulling good grades in all my classes. Hopefully no
chance of another "Education Media" scenario this semester. I even got advising on my classes next year... I need to go ahead
and get my schedule together before registration on the 14th... So much to do, you know? I could bore you with personal stuff,
but it's business as usual in about every respect.
I bought my plane ticket to visit Rachel at Prom. I'm worried about money, and for a good reason, this time. I'm cutting
it close, with my accounts payable and accounts receivable. Hopefully the pitiful checks from my new work will defray a bit
of expense. No worries, though... I'll manage, of course. Always do.
I'm running for hall president for next year. I'm ceding my position as National Communications Coordinator, bringing
my effort to a more local sphere. Hopefully they find a replacement NCC, because I'm not going to be there!
So... things are good. Rachel and I are doing really well, at least as far as I know. Money isn't awful, of course, since
I usually spend next to nothing. Classes are all right, as long as I keep my nose to the grindstone and don't let myself get
distracted. Prognosis: fair to excellent, depending on how much effort I put into things. So, maybe this is an official Do
Not Disturb sign on me for a little bit. I wouldn't kick you all out, but approach with caution. There's no telling when I'll
be crabby and overworked.