Saturday 21 April 2007: What's to say? I haven't been around the site for about a month, since I have bigger fish to
fry. Let me run down the list for you:
Blind date: a bust. Talk to me in private if you'd like, whoever you might be, but I don't feel like airing this one
in public.
D&D: mixed bag. We're down to the last session this year, and gearing up for summer. Some return players, hopefully
some new. I admit I'm psyched.
School: Getting by. Working hard, some days more than others. Scheduling summer and fall was a bear of a task, but I
did it, with help from my advisor. Thank God for that man. Some work still ahead of me, but I'm handling it.
Extracurriculars (besides D&D--there are a very few): Among the Stars, the annual student government recognition
ceremony, is tomorrow. Just barely managed to get the certificates printed out for my Senate, but since I'm also helping to
run the ceremony, I have to pass those off to my ResLife Coordinator (read: dorm manager) to sign them. It'll get
done. Besides the ceremony, there's moving into our new house, which is fast approaching. Gotta talk with the RLC about staying
up until Saturday, our move day--I'm not about to cart my stuff home and back for a grand total of two days, or less.
Besides all this, I'm just in a generally freefall mode right now. End of the year, waiting for everything to catch up
to me. The dating thing is really getting on my nerves, and I know that I'm not doing enough to get after it. I can't
stay in here and expect things to happen for me. I've never been a big believer in being able to manipulate a real, honest
relationship into happening. Then again, considering the dearth of available women close enough for me to just fall
into dating, I don't have much of a choice except to try something. I'm beginning to develop what I can only call a growing
disappointment in being alone.
Quick plug for a movie:
In the Land of Women is good. Reminded me a tad of Garden State, which I like for being indie, mostly. Some odd notes of The Squid and the Whale
in there, too, but only briefly. Also some of The Graduate, for that matter--but maybe I've spoiled things. Just trust me,
if you like decent original romantic comedies, you might like In the Land of Women. Very neat ending. I think I've filled
my quota of kitsch in this review, so I'll move on and conclude.
So, at any rate, I think it would be really great to date someone. I could probably stand to go out on a real date and
not see a romantic movie with my ex (whose current boyfriend probably wonders what the hell I'm doing hanging out with her
all the time). I have absolutely nothing against Kara, and getting out at all is an improvement. But I've got to get it in
gear instead of running back to my friends every time the crippling loneliness comes back. It would make such a great basis
for a new dating relationship, right?
If you're in a position to kick me out of my sorry rut, please do--and don't take any of my excuses, either. I know this
will come back to bite me, but here's what I'm saying: make me go do stuff.
So, that's all for now, coasting (hah) into summer. So, see you all around!