
The Gauntlet

Creative Works

Wednesday 13 April 2005 - The gauntlet begins now, for me. These last few weeks of school are going to be a minefield of tests, meetings, crunch times, and last-minute preparations. Besides classes, I have PRO Board, NACURH, Dancer Hall Senate, NRHH, student teaching, and work. Not to mention Mudfest, which is a PRO Board event, but takes up time outside our regular meetings.
At any rate, at least my counseling sessions are wrapping up well. If I haven't got my mental health, what have I got, eh? Seriously, from what I've seen, UNI has an excellent counseling center. I started going there a while ago over some depressive sort of issues, and since then it's gotten to be a rather refreshing assessment of my life in general.
Let me see... I don't know what to say next. These next few weeks will be tough, but I know I'm up to it. There's a lot of stuff to shoulder, but it's nice to be part of some groups of people where people are actually being productive, doing their jobs, and generating important and worthwhile results.
What's my overall status, lately? Stressed, but feeling rather fulfilled. I have a lot of wonderful people around me, both friends and colleagues (sometimes both). Things aren't always nice and fun, but I feel like I can handle it. So, until next time, everybody. Keep on being yourselves, and all that... and if you could, drop me a line, eh? I'm sure I've got a few spare minutes for friends.