Wednesday 12 April 2006 - Wow... what a week. I want to say "awful," but it's not over yet, and could very probably get
worse. The stress is nuts. I'll give you all the rundown, from the top, as it were:
I can't register for over half my classes for next semester. I'm not in the Teachers College. I don't know where in that
proper name to put an apostrophe, if it even needs it. I have to take the Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST) ASAP, get my
speech/hearing screened somewhere on campus between now and when my test results come back, and complete the official college
admission form. I forget if there's another requirement, but something tells me I'm forgetting a part. The good news is that
my academic advisor has told me that the Teachers College is good about getting people into their required couses, even if
the class is at its "limit" for students. That makes me feel a little bit better.
Meanwhile, I have two papers due this Monday, right after Easter: one 4-page-minimum book report for Diverse Learners,
in a book I haven't even begun to read. The next is a 7-page-minimum paper over a book I've read and a speech I've gone to,
together, even though the two were remarkably different. The only thing the book and speech have in common, as far as I can
figure out, is the same author/speaker, and they both mentioned Shakespeare. Plus I have an essay test in my Middle East class.
Tomorrow. So... there's that on my plate.
Aside from that is just all the student government maelstrom which rages around me. Among the Stars, the annual student
leader recognition banquet, is coming up. I have a retreat for the Iowa MACURH subregion near the end of the month. I have
to get in touch with my NCC advisor, who's been AWOL for quite some time. I also need to get in touch with the NACURH 2006
delegation/bid team, and get them the information they need about the NACURH conference this summer. Unfortunately, I lost
the hall presidential race. Maybe next year, eh?
Looming above all of this is finals, not to mention moving out of the residence hall. I have no idea about all that,
yet. Time will tell, and hopefully I don't let my anxiety consume me in the meantime.
Beyond finals is my trip to Rachel for Prom. My biggest challenge right now is to move out in a timely fashion, and more
importantly--or at least tougher--is finding appropriate attire for the dance. I didn't do really well at my own Prom, I'm
ashamed to say... Not that I cared all that much, since I didn't get to go with anybody... but this time I want to
get things right.
So: pray for me, wish me well, help me out, something... I could use it. Talk to everyone later.