Monday 6 March 2006 - Well, it's been a long time since I updated. In my defense, Tripod apparently broke the
last time I wanted to update. How lame is that? But... I still owe a lot to them, so how about I quit bad-mouthing them, eh?
Anyhow, on to new business. Week after St. Valentine's Day was the last time that I updated. What's happened since then?
A lot... I think.
Tower Power Run. 12 floors, no mercy. Almost killed me, I kid you not. Afterwards, I got to go out for ice cream! Cold
Stone Creamery makes some very good ice cream, that's for sure.
What else? At this hour, after getting up pretty early, and a day of classes, work, and giving blood, things are a bit
fuzzy. But, not to worry, my adoring public. I'll be fine.
I suppose that the other thing is my upcoming trip to Chicago. The 10th through the 20th is our spring break, here at
UNI. My friends Kara, Sarah, Lydia and I are off to Chicago for museums, a musical, and Medieval Times. Maybe, on the last
one. Doing these things democratically in a group of four means that voting can get tricky. Anyhow, if everyone involved has
the money, I'd definitely like to catch Medieval Times. The place sounds great, and it would be just the cap for a great trip.
Four days, three nights. Five hours at least each way with three girls? Plus I'm sharing a hotel room with them, too. I'm
going to have to build up an even thicker skin to girl-stuff. *sigh* The things I do to save a little money on fuel efficiency.
Oh, I was just reminded that I got new shoes. I may post pictures or something... Kara just got a new digital camera,
and she's going nuts with that thing. I think it's cute.
Also, D&D update: things are great. My friend Danger joined the group, and last week's adventure went swimmingly.
Danger's offered to guest-DM right after spring break. We're not having an adventure this Friday, since I'm taking off for
home. So... no D&D for a while, but that's okay. After I blew the guys' socks off with last week's adventure, that's fine
by me.
Speaking of games,
Avernum 4 for Windows is out. I'm pretty psyched about that... waiting until after my Chicago expenditures to rationalize my way into
paying $25 or $30 to buy it. And after that... Prom with Rachel!
If I'm psyched about some little computer game, my mind is blown by the idea of going to PA and hanging out
with Rachel again. I just can't stop smiling! It almost makes me want to dance a jig. If I could dance. And if you don't think
that's irony, then you haven't thought hard enough about it.
So, running, Chicago, D&D, computer game, and Prom in Pennsylvania. Also Dancer Hall Senate in T-minus 40 minutes.
Laaame. This is the last week leading up to spring break, midterms are almost over (I have one more tomorrow), and I just
want to lay low. How come I have to go to Senate?
Ehn. That's enough from me, whining included. Things have been good, by and large. No major breakdowns or anything, even!
Also, this is the week that everyone should e-mail me. My e-mail is at the top right-hand side of the page. Come on. Come
on! Just e-mail me. Tell me something that only you can tell me. I feel a bit spontaneous. I encourage you to be spontaneous,
too. The good kind of spontaneous, of course.
This one goes out to my great, early friend, TL: Hope to talk to you again soon, penpal. I'll do my best to update
sooner, and tell all about my Chicago trip--if Tripod doesn't break again.