Wednesday 21 March 2007: Well, I've been back from spring break for a while now, but things are still relatively
stress-free, miraculously. Not much in the way of homework (besides the 8-page paper I whipped up over break), so I'm coasting
as far as courseload's concerned. I'm taking care of business in other departments, like paying my U-bill to register for
summer classes, and getting more Senate business done.
Speaking of Senate, I've got a replacement for next year, so that burden's off my shoulders. He's a quiet guy, but he
can do the job. Anybody can do my job; it's mostly showing up, unless you're a go-getter and feel like making leaps and bounds
every day of the week. I aim high enough in other regards; Senate president is just a prestige position, as far as I'm concerned.
Other than that stuff? Looking forward to a blind date set up by a friend. Odd for me, I know, but I'm keeping it casual
and looking forward to a good time out, whenever the date rolls around (it's still up in the air).
I can't really think of more to mention. I guess D&D is going well. The game I play in, at least. The game I run
is kind of slowing down... I need to make the next adventure a real whiz-bang affair. Then again, I killed off my whole party,
so it's bound to be interesting, yeah?
So, good stuff coming up. I just have to remember not to stress out too much, and keep things together until the end.
So, off I go. Everybody keep in touch, all right?