
Spring Malaise

Creative Works

Thursday 1 March 2007: What a run of nasty weather we've had, here. And yes, I wish I had something better to start with than small talk, you know? Fact is, not much has gone on lately.
Class, work, everything... pretty normal. Submitted a ton of paperwork for student teaching placement, lately, but despite procrastinating that nearly a month, it turned out remarkably well. Really, nothing much to report.
Hope to catch a movie this weekend, for what it's worth. Two full weeks' worth of paycheck does a lot of good for my wallet. Hopefully the weather cooperates long enough to let me go tomorrow night.
I guess I ought to schedule some D&D. I'm psyched to slap together the next adventure, I guess. I've lost a lot of motivation to do anything with it, since I can't find a weekly timeslot to get everyone together. Maybe this Sunday night. The real problem is that one person can't make it, constantly. The real problem now is that my Sunday nights are being taken up by Towers Bash meetings. I'll be glad next year when I'm clear of all this student government nonsense and I don't have to rush to meetings constantly.
Reminds me, summer classes are available. I need to pay up my U-bill, and then register. My father still hasn't paid his half of my parents' tuition allotment for spring semester, yet. I can keep on hoping about that, I guess.
So, there you go. Big fat nothing, I guess. Boring and frustrating, I have to say. I shouldn't wish for something big to happen in my life, since it'll likely be bad, but it's hard to break a bad habit like hoping. Catch you all later. To my D&D players, call me up about it. I know I've got interest from a couple of you, but it'd sure be terrific if I could hear about it from everyone.