

Creative Works

Tuesday 1 March 2005 - Nothing much to report this week... Did a little cleanup around the website, filed away the oldest of my news updates, to keep them out of sight. I fixed that ugly problem with the text wrapping, in the Links section of the site. Like I said, just a bit out housekeeping around here.
Oh... let's see... I've got a counseling appointment tomorrow. I'm not really happy with the counseling center... They've cancelled on me twice now. First time, I was supposed to go to a little "intake" session, where somebody gets a general feel for my situation, takes some notes, so they can assign me to a more permanent counselor. Well, that got put off until... must have been Friday... not last week, but the week before that. The guy called in sick. Poor form, I say. Anyhow, I was supposed to have my first appointment with a more "permanent" counselor last Wednesday, but then she called in sick, too. And she's only in on Wednesdays. I ought to have just told them that I would be fine with another counselor. That's what people have told me, when I carp about them putting me off. Oh, well. Hindsight is 20/20.
That's about all I've got. Just more school and student government responsibilities, this week. Lots of forms to fill out, since I got my taxes finished this past weekend... FAFSA's all fixed up, and UNI will know about it, soon enough. I'm applying for some scholarships for the upcoming academic year... Hopefully, making the Dean's List will help that out. Plus, I've got to apply for whatever student government positions I'm trying to get, for next year. I'm torn between running for Dancer Hall Senate President, or PRO Board representative again. I'm leaning toward President, to be honest.
So, anyhow... peace, my fans. The deepest heartfelt peace to all of you. I'm certain that you all deserve it.