5 February 2006 - It's only been sixteen days since my last update. At first I thought it had been just over a week,
like maybe ten days. That is, until I actually did some math. On the other hand, nobody has prodded me about updating.
So here I am, between the warning I issued to people bothering me on that very subject, and the fact that I've been too lazy
to put anything new up here... On the third hand, however, is the fact that this might mean nothing at all to anyone, eh?
At any rate, a lot has happened in just over two weeks. The NCC retreat in Iowa City went pretty well. No ice skating,
much to the disappointment of my friends Kara and Sarah, but I've promised to go ice skating with them at a later date. And
as for the actual business side of things, we cleared up the necessary arrangements. That brings me to my next point...
I just got back from No Frills, and boy am I tired. And that's no joke. The business conference was in Lawrence, Kansas.
I went with UNI's programming representative, my friend Ryan, and my advisor as NCC, Scotty. The conference wasn't as mind-numbingly
boring as I anticipated, but it wasn't any picnic, either. Lots of time in the boardroom, and lots of time driving to and
from. So, now I'm back, and I'm about ready to crash. No workout for me tomorrow morning, that's for certain.
That said, the Superbowl this year was pretty good. Pretty damn good, even. Go Stillers! (That's "Steelers"
for you Midwesterners without the accent they have out East) I learned the new pronunciation from Rachel, who, though her
speech is clear and unaccented, says she hears it all the time from people she knows. I think it's fun for me to expand my
knowledge of dialects, especially considering my Structure of English class.
Not much else to report. I was gone all weekend, so no D&D, but I've got a hell of an adventure brewing for the weekend
after next. I've got homework in the bag, I think, and work's getting easier and easier. I actually got three whole hours
in, last week, and I wasn't even able to get to Friday morning's meeting! Soon enough I'll get some actual work, huh?
I'll probably update again soon. I don't want to get behind again. Everybody: keep your nose to the grindstone, and I
hope to talk to each of you soon.