Monday 21 February 2005 - Hooray! Can't express how good it feels to be feeling decent again. Still feeling awesome,
all the way from last week. It's a good thing, too, because I've got some stuff coming up this week. PRO Board (that student
organization I'm in) is gearing up for Mudfest. It's (hopefully) going to be this big end-of-year bash at our school. Might turn out smashing, might turn out to be a big flop. No telling, yet, but I've got an inkling that this could be big.
In other news, I made the Dean's List. Hooray, eh? It was nice, after almost failing Introduction to Statistical Methods,
at midterm last semester. But then I pulled that up to a B-. I'm entirely too smug about that, and I'm not bothered. So, good
grades for me, at least for now. Need to hear back how my Music of Our Time test last Thursday turned out... but all in due
Today marks the third week I went in for Level 1 Field Experience... In case I've failed to mention it before, I'm in
a classroom of sixth graders, at a middle school over in Waterloo (Iowa, for those of you out-of-state readers, haha). It's...
quite the experience. I got to give my first spelling test today. Very nerve-wracking, the idea of screwing up, speaking in
front of a room full of sixth graders. I haven't had that kind of anxiety since... well, when I *was* one of those sixth-graders.
So, anyhow... it's getting late for me, since I was up early for school. And I've got Dynamics class tomorrow morning.
I think... oh, well. I'll see when I get there, eh?