Saturday 18 February 2006 - Well, it's been a week since my last update. Not ten days, not less than one (like a couple
times that I've been hard-up for anything to do).
In that week, of course, was Valentine's Day--and it went beautifully. All appropriate gifts got to their destinations
at the proper times, no one was hurt, and I didn't break the bank. What's more, I got some choice gifts, as well,
including Batman Begins on DVD, and some really, really good dark chocolate. I don't mean that it was expensive, but it certainly hit the spot. So, to Rachel,
a public thank you, besides all the private thank yous we've exchanged.
I'm still working on keeping myself on the straight and narrow. I went to class this Friday when I really just wanted
to skip it. I've been keeping up with homework and tests and so forth. Actually, I shouldn't even brag about that, because
it should be the bare minimum that's expected of me--by myself and others--but instead it's become this goal
to which I have to aspire. It doesn't seem right. It's quite simple. Do things for the institution that you pay (before,
during, or after) to attend before social pleasures, et cetera. But somewhere along the way, it got confused and more difficult.
I couldn't say why. But now, I try harder to make sure the horse comes before the cart, if that makes any sense at all.
D&D yesterday afternoon went off a lot better than I expected. I'm running a mystery adventure this week, and the
guys are doing all right. They're on the wrong track, but hopefully Jacob or someone else won't read this before they play
again. On the other hand, perhaps this is conveniently placed here to throw them off the right track. In other words,
trust me or not, but don't think this couldn't be a double-bluff. Or triple.
Hmm... what else? I forgot something I was supposed to say, here. Oh, well. Miscellaneous news: I'm waiting for Spiderweb Software to release Avernum 4 in March. I'm waiting for my D&D players to get above level ten so I can take them to the other side of the world. I'm
waiting for spring break in Chicago. I'm waiting for the end of the semester, so I can fly out to go to Rachel's Prom. I'm
waiting on a lot of things, but for now, I have enough to keep me occupied.
Later, folks. Say hello if you see me, and add me to your Facebook--because you're only cool if you have a lot of Internet friends.
Endnote -- It was Facebook I was going to mention. I was trolling around a search of all the college students from my
high school, and I'm damn surprised some of them are still alive and kicking.