
Here Comes the New Boss...

Creative Works

Sunday 9 January 2005 - Happy New Year to everybody reading this. A lot of crazy stuff happened to me over the past year... Being heinously dumped, graduation high school, going off to college, meeting the wonderful Kara... and plenty of other good times. I won't bog down the list with all of them, but suffice it to say... 2004 certainly was eventful for me, not to mention the world at large.
I have to admit, this site... I don't even know why I keep it around anymore. I was doing some pretty good poetry for a while... not many of my sketches up anymore... I'd leave the whole thing to rot, except it lets me complain in a forum where I know nobody will listen. ;-)
But, for now, no complaints. I'm back to school after a long break; got some good Christmas loot, spent good time with family and friends back home. Now, I'm here, have a new roommate--an industrial tech major named Brandon--and things are going all right. It's only the weekend right before classes, but still... Nothing bad yet, knock on wood.
I'm probably coming down with something, if anyone cares to know. Sore throat, serious kind. I thought this pain in my neck was muscle-related, but I think that my left lymph node's a bit sore. So... hopefully my voice doesn't give out, or some other unpleasantness like that. Then I wouldn't be able to bug anybody with my annoying babble all the time.
Speaking of sounds and terrible segues, I'm rocking out to the sounds of my latest favorite band, The Skiffs. My infamous friend Jacob recently told me that he's in a band, and I found them on has a bunch of their songs. With any luck, I'll be able to get in touch with Jacob and get some of their albums.
They're pretty good, in my opinion. Jacob rocks on vocals, and that guy Ryan is great on guitar *and* recorder. My favorite song? "I Play D&D." Very cool, and songs with recorder get a lot of points, in my book.
Anyhow, on to bigger and better things! It's a new year, at the risk of sounding even *lamer,* I think there are a lot of adventures in store for me. Blank slate and all that... no end to the stuff that could happen, you know? Well, here's to a great new year, and that I can manage the extremely easy task of becoming a little cooler.