Wednesday 15 December 2004 - Good grief. It's been too long since I updated this... I was supposed to be doing this every
week, but it's gotten away from me. Oh, well, so much more's the pity.
So, news? First things first, I didn't intend to mess with this during finals week, but here I am. Lots has happened
since last I posted, some good, some ill.
I, the infamous tire-flattener, did it again last week, sometime. Figured it out on a routine trip to the library...
rode on it while it was very low, but luckily not flat. Didn't crack a rim, like I did on my first flat with this
car. Unfortunately, the tire wouldn't come off the car for half a week. On my fourth try, with the help of my father and a
small sledgehammer, the thing finally budged. I got it replaced to the tune of $100, but that's okay. That tire was way older
than I thought. Good riddance.
Thanksgiving break has come and gone. Now that a weird one. Folks divorcing this fall, without separating. It's
very strange for me, and I can only imagine mind-bending for them. I piss and moan to just about anybody about anything,
so I might as well vent about this, here. I tried not being marred about this, but gosh... it's getting to me. I get choked
up talking about the really tough parts. So, needless to say, I'll require plenty of out-of-house time, this time around.
I am looking forward to break, at least... I hope to have a good time, all the bad stuff notwithstanding. And there will
be a lot of it, not just with my folks... but I've got to have some fun, right...?
And, since nobody reads this, anyway... I am having a real hard time about screwing up things with my girlfriend. I've
never dated before. I'll pause for people to laugh and or insult me at their computers... Last year, I had an eighth-grader
make fun of me, when it came up that I'd never dated. Something about him never in his life hearing about anyone like that.
So, I feel pretty strange to start out. But... I don't know what to do. I will say that, "You'll know what's right" stuff
isn't all hogwash, but it's intermittently true, at least. There are things, issues, where I am at a loss. I used
to think people dating in middle school was ridiculous, and now I see why they do it: it's easy to mess up and blame things
on youth. Convenient. If I mess up, I can't look back on it and say, "I was just a stupid kid, back then." I mean, I could,
maybe... when I'm forty and alone. So... I muddle through, like always. I might lose everything... or I might just be a depressed
overexaggerator, and things aren't nearly as bad as I think. Then again, I'll probably just screw up like always.