

Creative Works

Saturday 10 December 2005 - Oh, my friends. What friends I've got... Ever hear that song, "Doctor My Eyes" by Jackson Browne? Yes, I'm being melodramatic, but I honestly do feel like I see a lot of suffering. I make myself look, I know. I could ignore it. Probably better for me that I did. But these people are my friends.
One of my friends is stuck in a vicious cycle of having no place to go and nobody to turn to.
Another friend has got some unrequited affection in the worst way. This friend doesn't have the heart to interrupt the perceived happiness of others. This friend needs somebody to give some genuine attention.
Another friend chafes in the shadow of another person. This friend wants so badly to be able to relax and be comfortable in part of their life. The irony is that the situations of these two friends is actually reversed! One swears to being uncomfortable, but in the end, seems to do just fine. The second seems to do just fine, but suffers in silence.
One of my friends pines in a relationship that offers less satisfaction and love than that friend deserves.
Another of my friends wants a new relationship to be plain and simple. Wants it so badly that the focus has become certain pitfalls and problems, at the expense of seeing others.
Yet another friend is tied by a sense of honor and commitment to a relationship that's on the wane. It might not be over, and there may yet be hope, but for now that friend suffers.
I see all this and more. I was tempted to put "solutions" or "advice" at the end of each of those little passages. But that's not the point. I'm not writing this to suggest solutions. I'm writing this to say that this is all out there. I don't know whether or not it would really be a good thing if everyone else saw things like I did. I know that mine is a personal view. But I know that the holiday season is brought down a little more, when I hear things like this. I know things can't be perfect. But between people? Between people I think that things can get better.
Anybody that reads this: put aside your personal view for a bit. Take a look at the situation of someone near and dear to you: a friend, a romantic partner, a family member, anybody. Look, and try to see it from their point of view. Take it a little easier on them, would you? I think it might help.