
Time Marches On

Creative Works

Thursday 18 November 2004 - Gosh, I didn't know I could do it... I actually held off updating this thing long enough for someone to *ask* me to put more stuff on it... Hah... well, hello to my house arrested friend Kayla, and here's your update. Cherish it, eh?
Wow... a lot has changed since late October. I am no longer failing *any* of my classes, especially Stats. I actually understand this stuff we're doing, now. Tough, but I get it. I'm halfway proud of myself.
Let's see... what else is new? More student government, more classes (although I'm on top of those; even turned in a couple extra credit papers today), time rolls on. Can hardly believe that holiday break is just around the corner. I even go home for a few days, next Wednesday morning. Thanksgiving will be a bit strange, I'm sure, given that my folks are divorcing this year. Then again, my family's always been rather like the ceramic bowl that's been quite obviously glued back together.
But, I ought not focus on the negative, eh? Plenty of productive things that can be done over break: reading, finding a job for over holiday break in December, shopping for some Christmas gifts (in hopes that my next paycheck from the dining center is of fair size).
Let's see... highlights, now, highlights. Can't plow through all this boring stuff without a few juicy pieces, now can I? Hmm... well, considering I wrote my last update just before Halloween, I clearly didn't mention the nice girl that I met at the haunted house. I worked a promotional stand at a haunted house on campus, for PRO Board, one of my student government obligations. I met this crazy group of girls, who insisted that I accompany them through the haunted house. I went, and had four frightened girls clinging to me. Being the civic-minded person that I am, I was glad to do it. Flattered, too, for that matter. I don't usually strike people as the brave, protector type.
But at the end, one of the girls gave me her phone number, written on my hand... It was an awfully nice thing for her to do, considering that I only towed her and her three friends through the haunted house. But now... I am very happily dating her.
Let's see... other big news, eh? My roommate, Dave, *is* moving out at semester, so I could have the room to myself for the semester (an outcome I obviously hope for), or someone else could move in. But I hope that the chances of the latter are low; it's spring semester, and they have to move in in early January. There are other complications with coming in for spring semester. I hope they're enough.
Gosh... things are coming up roses for me, lately, a fact for which I'm very glad. On top of that, one of the finest CD mixers I know is going to lend me her services, and I can finally step into the music piracy age, eh? Don't let the government know that, though--my cover story is that the Internet said I could borrow that music, honest.