
Things To Do

Creative Works

Saturday 17 November 2007: Well, Thanksgiving Break is on. I'm enjoying doing nothing productive, for today at least, and probably tomorrow, too. What are you all up to, I wonder? Who are you all? Tripod continues to "compile statistics," which is a generous description coming from me, especially considering that I don't trust it. It says something like 356 page views so far this month. There five or six people, tops, who I know are aware about this site; unless they're viewing this thing three times a day (yes, I used a calculator for that--I dislike long division), or Tripod is screwing with me. Ah, well. I still get curious about who looks at this stuff. I suppose people could just be randomly stumbling onto this site and then closing it. That probably counts.
Anyhow, besides me wondering at my mystery audience, I've been thinking about the past, lately. Surprisingly, this hasn't been all bad. I've been thinking about all the people I thought were neat in high school, especially the ones I didn't get the chance to spend enough time with. Okay, let's face it, the ones that I didn't spend time with, because I was a shut in. Two things come to mind. I wonder if they're still just as neat as I thought back then. If they were ever that neat. I really do wonder.
The other thing is that I hope I'm not doing this now... but I know that I am. There are at least three people I can think of right now who I don't hang out with nearly enough, outside regular day-to-day business. I really want to find the time someplace to get together and grab a bite to eat or something. They deserve it. I deserve it. This is about the time I usually make some kind of big, life-changing recommendation to all you people reading, but really, I think you get the message.
Go out there and live your life the way you mean to live it. Quit backing down. Yeah, yeah, we all have business we have to get to, things that can't wait. But I think that it's the things that are absolutely feasible to put on the back burner are the ones in real danger of getting let go. All that ASAP, must-do, imperative stuff will be breathing down your neck in a few hours. Take the time to get to things that aren't clamoring for your attention.
Well, I'm going. You all take care, whoever you are. Make good choices.