
Thanksgiving To Be

Creative Works

Tuesday 15 November 2005 - Wow... I thought this was gonna be Hell Week 2, but it's turned out to be a lot less stressful than I thought. Thank goodness for that.
Long time since my last update... Somebody prompted me to update in my Registry. Thank goodness for people who still visit this website, eh? Not much to say... D&D on Friday nights, lots of nice papers, and I still don't have the second part of the Norton Anthology of American Literature, so I'm flying blind in my Lit class. On the upswing, I got next semester's classes all lined up, so I just need to wait for my registration time. Hmm... what else, what else? I should really plan these things out a bit better.
School's all right. Oh, yeah, Thanksgiving's coming up, right? I've got a couple Thanksgivings to, ah, look forward to. Riiiight. Actually, the Thanksgiving at home, this weekend (before our official school Thanksgiving break) should be pretty good. My mom sure can cook. Plus I get a haircut after, like, three months of, you know... not. I'm pretty sure the woman who cuts my hair is going to flip out.
On the other hand... I have a trip to Texas with my dad and brother, over the official break from school. "During" is a loose term, since I'll have to leave Marshalltown at about five in the morning on Wednesday, and I'll get back (to Marshalltown) at eleven at night. So... little to no time to do anything except travel. And goodness knows how that's gonna go. Time will tell, and I'm sure I'll piss and moan to all of you if it doesn't go well.
Uh... D&D Friday night... Oh, yeah, I owe a lot to Rachel, this week, when it comes to moral support. And to Sarah and Kara for moral support and offering her help with school stuff. And for Jacob for telling me about micronations. And to anybody that I didn't mention who's helped me blow off some steam this week: thank you. You don't go unnoticed. Just... unmentioned here, because I have an awful memory. I'll see you all soon, and if you haven't talked to me in a while, convince me to sit down and have a real conversation with you, all right?