Monday 11 October 2004 - Almost typed 2003 as the year. I need to remember to worry about that more.
I need a Swiffer for this room... everything gets so dusty. Anyhow... I'm back from my long hiatus from updating this
site... I have lots of new poems, so check them out. Some of them aren't even depressing... and that certain someone who might read this knows who they are.
By the way, kids, don't expect culture shock in college to come in the first few weeks. I'm, like, six weeks into this
thing, and it hit me pretty big. Of course, I tend to be a morally pretentious elitist, so that's the front on which the shock
hit me... but I'm dealing all right, I think. Things still aren't ideal, but then again, when are they?
I'll try and keep this short and sweet... I have lots of homework (not doing so well in math), my extra-curriculars (i.e.
PRO Board, Tower Senate, work) are keeping me busy enough, but I still have time for some free reading (Abbott's Flatland). Uhm... it escapes me what else I need to put down. Money is tight, of course, but that's not so much a problem. I've always
been a penny-pincher, so I find myself without money, but... I don't mind. I don't lust after many material objects.
So... short and to the point, I hope. Still getting my ducks in a row, you might say. Anyhow, for now, look to the skies... it keeps your chin up.