
Bitter Taste of Defeat

Creative Works

Friday 29 October 2004 - No trouble with the date, this time. But I've got bigger fish to fry. More schoolwork, more employment work, more legwork to do. Not that it's getting me down, but there's plenty to be attended to.
Let's see... amidst it all, there's news of my roommate moving out at semester, possible holiday-break employment, and more. Future's wide open, really. All I need to do is quit worrying so much. Like right now, for instance. Just finished a statistics exam... I have a bad track record in that class, especially on the one exam we've had so far. I'm about done, a couple of questions to finish off on Monday. But I worry like crazy about it. I've got a D in that class, already, and the three tests each count for a fourth of the total points, along with homework. So... I've got to keep my mind clear, eye on the prize.
Anyhow... that's just a for-instance. There're plenty of things that I needn't worry about, because I'm pretty capable, all in all. A special thanks to somebody I know (you know who you are, and if you don't, ask) for helping me remember that.
Well, I've got to roll onward... I'm sure I'll talk to everybody who reads this, sooner or later. But in case I miss anyone, take care, and keep in touch.