

Creative Works

Saturday 27 October 2007: I had some very definite ideas about what to write, this time around, and here they are all flown out of my head.
The birthday went fine. Great party. Being 22 is interesting, I guess, from a thoughtful standpoint. I actually feel fairly old, thinking about how different things are now compared to when I was 10, or 12, or 16. I realize the age difference between myself and other people even a few years younger than me.
Other than that, nothing big happening. School, no big deal. I find out my specific student teaching placement in a week or two... nerve-wracking, that. But, the best I can do is wait it out. Social life is slim to none. That's one of my biggest problems... I don't go out because going out doesn't seem fun. Then I stay in, and that doesn't seem that fun, either. So, the devil I don't know seems like the better option, perhaps. Same with getting a date. Dating is scary. Not dating isn't much, though, either. Not choosing still counts as a choice; I'm going to have to willfully decide on another option. That's scary, too.
Mostly, I just am. I don't do much, don't get much better or much worse. I devote a lot of effort to homeostasis. Change is work. I just wish I could get my ass in gear and roll up my sleeves.